Atlassian Confluence App
"SearchBelow" is a Plugin for the "Confluence" Enterprise Wiki System from Atlassian. The plugin simplifies searching within page hierarchies and allows searching directly below the current Confluence page. The distribution takes place via Atlassian's Marketplace.
After installing the plugin, "SearchBelow" embeds itself into the result list of Confluence searches started from the QuickNav search field in the upper right area. If the search was started from a Confluence page, an additional menu item appears in the result list: Search under "{name of current page}". Selecting this menu item will perform an advanced search, limited to the subpages of the current page, cf. the screenshots shown below.
Visit a Confluence page and start a search using the QuickNav search box at the top right of the page:
"SearchBelow" shows a new menu item in the results list that can be used to directly start a search below the current page:
The result is displayed in the advanced search:
App-specific information in addition to the privacy policy
Provider of the app
What user data does the app require which access rights for?
How long is data stored?
Is the usage behavior of the users evaluated?
Is data transmitted to third parties?
What rights does the user have regarding deleting, blocking, and correcting their data?
How can the user object?
Privacy Information provided by Atlassian:
The Terms of Service apply.
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